Documentary style in photography? Documenting the journey of my foot surgery

Much has been said about photography in a documentary style, with many differing takes to it.

For example – the huge moral question of should one interfere with the subject if he/she/it is in distress has never been answered rightly. 

This time round I’m not going to have the guts to take on such deep philosophical questions but instead just wish to share a series on the process of how I embarked on a journey to correct the issues (2 fractures and a few misaligned bones) with my left foot, to share on my take on a documentary style for the sake of recording a process – in this case, from discovery to implementation and of course, towards recovery. 

All images were shot with the Fujifilm X100F, mostly directly transferred to the phone and edited on the fly (well, thats the only camera I could handle with a broken foot)

01 #1 Teachable moments

#2 Comfort

04 #3 Embarking

#4 Here we are

#5 a friend aptly described this as: Caution, patient farts

#6 Tagged & Coded

09 #7 I didn’t want to be alone

#8 this is really painful. Damn.

#9 Dignity (loss of)

#10 Yep, I am so screwed


#11 My support buddies

#12 Journey to recovery – Start.

Given an estimated 4 to 6 weeks towards recovery, my target recovery frame is 2 weeks.

All the best to me.

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