The one that Addicts you: Fujinon GF110mm F2.

For the ones looking at the medium-format Fujifilm GFX50s system, the Fujinon GF110mm f/2 is one of those lenses that you must own at some point.

For what I do, portraiture based photography take a huge chunk out of the number of clicks I do on my GFX50s and thus out of the available GF lenses, the GF23, GF32-64, GF45, GF63 and GF110, it is a non-brainer why I am drawn to it.

(I own the GF23mm F4, GF45mm F2.8 and GF110mm F2)

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The GF110mm F2
image from Fujifilm site, and of course shot by the very respected Jonas Rask.

At 1010g and a filter size of 77mm, it can be a monster to some, especially those used to a much smaller mirrorless system and trust me, the GF110mm is one of those few lenses that leaves one with a intense feeling between love and hate, you will hate to love it but you will end up reaching for it every now and then.

and from my experience in a recent shoot with the GF110mm F2.

E.M Cheung with GFX50s
with E.M Cheung. GF110F2, ISO200 at F2.2 on the GFX50S.

to me, what made the shot lovely was the way the rendering moved so smoothly from the focused to the off-focused areas and background melting away quietly leading one’s eyes to a very outstanding ‘pop’ of the subject in the image.

DSCF1130 with E.M Cheung. GF110F2, ISO200 at F2.0 on the GFX50S

and if you are a details person,

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This was the eye very heavily cropped from the original raw file, the above image was originally a full body portrait cropped to show a partial body view.

The available details to work with are simply to say – immense.

with E.M Cheung. GF110F2, ISO200 at F2.0 on the GFX50S

E.M Cheung with GFX50s
with E.M Cheung. GF110F2, ISO200 at F2.0 on the GFX50S

E.M Cheung with GFX50s
with E.M Cheung. GF110F2, ISO200 at F2.0 on the GFX50S

Still thinking about the GF110mm? I sure do.

Using the GF110mm on the GFX50S, I can say that the potential image quality is immense with lots of room for further work on, but of course this isn’t a typical setup most will want to bring out for casual shoots. One thing also is that for mostly handheld shoots users like me, it does take a lot of proper handling to get the shot right – most shots here were min 1/125s shots, that to me is the I would love to hate part about this lens.

But yet I cannot stop myself going back to the GF110mm, simply because it reaches out to you in the most important aspect every self-respecting photographer looks at: image quality and oh, that madly smooth separation between focused and out of focused areas (some call it bokeh) that has users across decades addicted, crazy and of course hooked on. There is just something Fujifilm has gotten right in this lens in that it renders images beautifully in its own character.

and to end off, what’s life without fun? Here’s sharing some Instax films shot using one of the smallest sensor on a Fujifilm body, the Instax Square camera, SQ10. (it sports an approximately 3 megapixels camera)
