Polaroid I-2 review – Fun spontaneity goes Professional

A hands-on and down to earth comprehensive review of the Polaroid I-2, is it worth its price tag and what separates this model from the other Polaroids?

Review of the Polaroid Now+ camera – Sensible and most versatile instant film option.

An in-depth review of how Polaroid has stepped forward from a point-and-shoot to now a full fledged creative photography tool with the new functionality of the Polaroid Now+. Look forward to a honest down to earth discussion and samples of the improvement the Now+ brings.

A 800 word review of the Fujifilm Instax Wide 300: Better than Instagram and your social apps.

One can see it either way, the recent resurgence of film and instax cameras because users have started to find themselves overwhelmed from feeding the relentless monster of social media … Continue reading A 800 word review of the Fujifilm Instax Wide 300: Better than Instagram and your social apps.